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dbPAN (Premium Support) 3.1

dbPAN (Premium Support) 3.1

dbPAN (Premium Support) Publisher's Description

dbPAN is a Customer Complaints, Non-Conformances and Corrective Action Request system that will assist you to optimize these processes.

GET THE OPERATIONAL INFORMATION AT THE TIP OF YOUR FINGERS FAST - For quick operations, online information and quick decisions are the keys.

PROCESS THE CASES QUICKER - No more paper to fill, print or to handle. You can set objectives for delays between different steps of the processes.

EASY AND QUICK REPORTING - Have dbPAN compile for you all the data that you have entered. Again, more time saved. You can be notified automatically by e-mail when new cases are created. Or receive a "To do list" at the frequency you chose.

POWER of ANALYSE - A complete set of reports to to know where to put your effort in your processes.

* comes with PREMIUM annual support plan for 1 year; multi-users versions have additional features

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